Micronaut vs Quarkus vs Spring Boot Reactive Framework Deep Comparison

Regupathi Thankaraj
5 min readJul 3, 2021


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Java World game changer. In modern enterprise architecture and application development, there has been a big push from monolithic, large applications that can do everything a product would need, to many smaller services that have a specific purpose. In the enterprise app development area, we observe that Microservices became the de facto architecture standard. At the same time, Spring Boot became the most popular and widely used framework to implement Microservices in the Java area. For years, Spring Boot earned and retained its top position. Recently OCI (objectcomputing) came up with a Micronaut framework and RedHat came up with a Quarkus framework.

Both Quarkus & Micronaut are real Java World game changer, if we like or not they are changing the Java World.

Target audience

This article is specifically targeted towards enterprise architects, developers and managers that look for additional information on migration/extension of existing SpringBoot tech stack with lean Java frameworks. This is not a step-by-step guide, but rather a short overview of my experience in the parallel development of three versions of the same micro-service: a SpringBoot application and a Quarkus app and Micronaut app. It also discusses some runtime & detailed metrics of those applications.

Key takeaways

For those who are seeking for a fast advice and not interested in reading details, here is a short overview : But still you have lot of presentation information below.

  • The new Java frameworks Micronaut and Quarkus promised faster startup times and lower memory footprints compared to existing frameworks like Spring and MicroProfile.
  • The overall development experience is comparable. Quarkus integrates numerous seasoned technologies (many of them are also employed in Vert.x) so it’s not something entirely new, however, in contrast to the Spring’s projects, these technologies have yet to be aligned to each other.
  • Micronaut was probably the most comparable with Quarkus. The declarative nature of the framework was very similar and it had out of the box support for many technologies.
  • They do follow up on this promise — but only when idle or under a small load. Here they outperform Spring, especially when combining them with native GraalVM images. However, under load, they don’t offer much of an edge, not even when running as native images.
  • And as Spring still offers, by far, the best developer experience, it’s still the best suited Java framework for a microservice application, in my opinion — even considering its poor performance at startup.
  • The native GraalVM images turned out to be incredible fast and memory efficient at startup, but under load, they don’t offer a significant advantage. As the generation of a native GraalVM provides some additional difficulties and the compilation time increases drastically, this technique is currently only useful if a fast startup is needed — e.g., in a serverless architecture or to scale up very fast. In all other cases, the costs are still way too high compared to similar performances under load.

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